Also referred to as “outlets, sockets, wall plugs”, an electrical outlet can be defined by several things, but the most common definition is that they provide alternating current (AC) to electric equipment in buildings and other locations. In UK properties, we are most used to seeing 3 pin outlets. A 3-pin outlet on average provides 230 volts at a frequency of 50hz, this is important to remember when using electrical appliances from outside the UK. A 3-pin plug is insulated to prevent shock if the plug is not fully inserted into the socket and comes with a built-in fuse that protects against unexpected electrical surges. 2 pin shaver supply units can also be installed. A shaver supply unit allows an electrical razor to be used near a sink but operates at a low rating making it unsuitable for blow dryers and other appliances.
We interface the most with electrical outlets more than any other part of our home electrical installation, because of this it is important that we regularly inspect outlets to ensure their safe operation.